Go to Borough Market. #26 #101in1001

Go to Borough Market was the 26th challenge in my 101 challenges to complete in 1001 days which ends on the 20th July.

It is another challenge I feel as though I don’t deserve to tick off as complete but as it is technically done and I won’t get the chance to enhance my experience before the end of my 1001 days, I am marking it as complete.

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My #101in1001 challenge 70% update

Day Zero Project

A last minute flurry to get things done. My challenge ends next week on the 29th July and I am really happy with how it has gone….considering.

I have so far acheived 70 of my 101 tasks and trust me, many of those tasks would not have been done without the Coronavirus and being trapped at home.

It has mean however it was impossible to complete a few of the tasks but i intend to do them one day – as soon as we can move freely again.

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Back into water after a long dry spell.

Wah-hey finally finally, the government has announced that pools can reopen again after the Coronavirus lockdown. Leisure Centres can prepare to open from 25th July. This will be a godsend for many.

Leisure centres were told to close on Friday 20th March three days before the country was told to Stay at home, save lives and protect the NHS. We knew it was coming, but it still didn’t prepare us for the disappointment.

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Completing my 101in1001 – in a quandary.

In 2017 I signed up for my second 101in1001 challenge. The idea is to set yourself 101 achievable challenges (not as easy as it sounds) and then complete them in 1001 days (about 3 years).

You can log and tick off your challenges at DayZeroProject.com. Three years is a great time frame as it gives room for maneuver should life hit you in the face.

Here are the challenges I set myself Sammi’s 101 Challenges

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My #101in1001 challenge 60% update

Day Zero Project

The first time I did a 101 challenge, I manged 60% of them, this time it is a miracle I have got as far as I have, the Coronavirus lockdown put the final nail in the coffin, although saying that, there was no way I would have completed them, I just wanted to beat the score from last time.

Neeeearly there.


Here is a record of ten challenges I have managed to tick off.

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Read ten books suggested by friends #101in1001 #56

During my last #101in1001 challenge I vowed to read every book that my book club stated cover to cover. This meant I ended up reading some real dross. Another problem was that we had book club every six weeks so I had to complete a book during that time or I got behind. Later on, we stopped using the excuse ‘book club’ as very few of us read and we just socialise instead.

Instead for this challenge, I decided to read 10 books that were recommended by friends, hopefully meaning that they would be at least halfway decent. I don’t read very quickly (Only a few couple of pages per night) so I don’t want to waste my time reading things that are not appealing in a more manageable timeframe.

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