101 in 1001

This is something that I have been threatening to do for a while and today I sat down and with the ‘help’ of my family I came up with my list of 101 things to complete in 1001 days.

I will attempt to blog about the challenges when I complete them and give updates on how I am feeling, this is all new to me so I ask you to be patient, I also ask you to be encouraging so please feel free to send in suggestions about how I can complete my challenges.

The aim quite simply is to give myself new challenges and a new focus and get myself out of a bit of a rut I have found myself in.

101 Things in 1001 Days

Wish me luck or help me along the way 🙂

Apr 21, 2014 – Jan 16, 2017

  1. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
  2. Buy a car
  3. Write all my bad memories on paper, burn this paper afterwards
  4. Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over  (done – Charlotte is holding it for safekeeping
  5. Challenge involving heights – possibly Go-Ape
  6. lose a stone
  7. Speak in front of a crowd of over 100
  8. Learn a new word every day for a month
  9. Learn to count to 10 in 10 languages
  10. Perform 5 random acts of kindness
  11. Identify 100 things that make me happy (one my way – see 100happydays)
  12. Decorate the lounge
  13. Do 10 nice things for people without telling them
  14. get a regular job
  15. Wear lipstick every day for a week
  16. Have a day out with Charlotte
  17. Have a day out with Dominic
  18. Have a day out with Joseph
  19. Have a 24 hours away from the children with Terry
  20. Volunteer for charity for at least one hour per month (not counting FOSPs)
  21. Do an online course leading to a qualification
  22. Organise Terry’s Birthday Celebrations
  23. sort LPs
  24. Sort photos
  25. Set up bank accounts for children
  26. Complete a colouring book
  27. Do a cross stitch
  28. Find a new hobby
  29. Complete a jigsaw each school holiday (at least 500pieces)
  30. Make something crafty
  31. Run through a garden sprinkler
  32. Make an iTunes playlist of 101 of my favorite songs
  33. Ride a roller coaster that goes upside down
  34. Dye Hair
  35. memorise Lady Macbeths speech
  36. Complete 7 goals in a week
  37. Get a henna tattoo
  38. Go and see a sporting event of a sport I haven’t seen before
  39. Visit 5 local restaurants I’ve never been to
  40. Win the lottery (DONE! TWICE! £5.60 and £5.40)
  41. 101 favourite quotes
  42. Learn to Identify the flowers in the garden
  43. Get a personal shopping assistant  (done – and would DEFINATELY do it again)
  44. Host a Murder Mystery Evening
  45. Go to a Karaoke bar
  46. Organise an adult laserquest party
  47. Do a theatre backstage tour
  48. GO on an organised walking tour of a city or place
  49. See the taping of a TV show
  50. read every book club suggestion cover to cover
  51. Go to the theatre once a month
  52. watch all the ‘best picture’ oscar nominations 2015
  53. Attend a ballet
  54. Attend an Opera
  55. Watch all seasons of ‘Lost’ again
  56. Take Jo Russell to see Les Miserables
  57. Go to an outdoor performance (movie/concert/play)
  58. Learn how to use Photoshop
  59. Blog at least once a month
  60. No screen for an entire day
  61. Expand my blog
  62. Sort out all my email addresses and passwords
  63. Get a logo for my business / blog / website
  64. Publish Something Somewhere (other than on my blog)
  65. Make a birthday cake for someone
  66. No fast food for a month
  67. Design and name a cocktail
  68. Go vegetarian for a week
  69. eat homegrown vegetables
  70. Learn to roll sushi
  71. Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever is on it
  72. Learn to make Hot Cross Buns
  73. Drink only water for one week
  74. Try 10 new foods
  75. Try ‘sugarcraft’ for cakes
  76. Go to Paris
  77. Sleep on a boat
  78. Visit family in South Wales
  79. Visit a city in the Uk that I have never been to before
  80. Ride on the Bluebell
  81. Go to a foreign city not visted before (Paris doesn’t count)
  82. Go outside of Europe
  83. Go to Wales / Scotland or Ireland
  84. See a sunrise from a beautiful location
  85. Go Camping for at least one night
  86. Take a Yoga class
  87. Ride a horse
  88. Make 10 shots in a row in basketball
  89. Play a round of Golf (it’ll probably be pitch and putt – crazy golf not allowed!)
  90. Improve posture
  91. Take a dance class
  92. go for a 10 mile hike
  93. Blacklands activity with family
  94. Find a new forest trail
  95. Get my bike fixed and go for a cycle ride
  96. Do another ‘Race for Life’ even if it is just walking
  97. Go swimming
  98. An hour’s exercise each week in some form
  99. complete my list of 101 things (April 21st)
  100. Inspire someone else to make a list
  101. Save £5 for every completed task

To see more up-to-date progress and comment as photos of my achievements (or not visit www.dayzeroproject.com/user/sammioneill